The five Dreams
The Beginning
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The beginning and after                    (in the words of Shyam Sundar Jhunjhunwala)
On 5th June 1970 I was asked by Udar and Pradyot to get a new Society registered at Pondicherry as approved by the Mother. She had given it an unusual name ‘Sri Aurobindo’s Action’. The drafting of the Memorandum of Association and Rules and the completion of formalities went fast and the Society stood registered on 17th June 1970.
Mother agreed to be the Permanent President and She nominated the Executive Committee consisting of Pradyot, Udar and myself as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Soon after Mother spoke to me about Sri Aurobindo’s Action of which I made a note. The English translation is as follows:
"The only and unique aim of Sri Aurobindo’s Action is the country – India"
"India has to guard her independence. India has to defend herself. India has to reorganise herself"
"The only solution of the country’s problems is what Sri Aurobindo has given in His writings. He has replied to all questions, including capitalism, communism, political organisation. These are to be put together. And He wrote in English but as many Indians do not know English it is necessary to translate in the languages which they understand. His message has to be spread all over the country, His solutions are to be shown to all who wish to know.
""The danger is serious, and there is only one solution, that given by Sri Aurobindo .The Action is urgent. The work is to be accomplished during the two years before His centenary. A great force is there. One has to work without personal sentiments.
"Sri Aurobindo Society and Sri Aurobindo’s Action are two brothers. The Society will help Sri Aurobindo’s Action with its centres which are already there. The Society will continue to be engaged with the philosophy and spiritual teachings of Sri Aurobindo."
The note was read out to the Mother in the evening and approved by Her. Later, on 30th April 1971 when the note was to be printed for circulation Mother wrote the following additional lines :
"Les temps sont graves.
The situation is serious.
It is only a strong and enlightened action that can pull the country out of it.”
Mother put Her signature at the end and then wrote "Blessings" and again signed.
On 29th June 1970 Mother wrote a message:
To speak well is good
To act well is better
Never let your actions be below your words
Sri Aurobindo’s Action was the name adopted for its journal as well. The first issue came out in October 1970 with Manoj Das as its editor. He continued till April 1973 after which the work is being done by me.
Prapatti took up the Journal in Oriya, and gradually journals in Hindi. Gujarati and Bengali followed, all under the title Sri Aurobindo Karmadhara. All these journals in Indian languages were brought out by other organisations with independent contents. The Hindi journal continues to be brought out by Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch.
At that time Kireet Joshi undertook the compilation of booklets. One booklet contained questions on current Indian problems and for some of them questions were put to Mother who answered giving the solutions. A number of booklets were printed in English and Indian languages in thousands and were well received.
Kireet Joshi accompanied Udar on lecture tours. Prapatti was touring throughout Orissa. There were meetings at Pondicherry as well. Some Youth Camps and Seminars were held at Pondicherry.
In June 1971 Mother wrote a mantra which was printed and distributed at the Ashram with the introduction : “A mantra given by the Mother for all people in the country for the present crisis.” The mantra is:
Supreme Lord Eternal Truth
Let us obey Thee alone
live according to Truth
Naturally this has been the mantra for Sri Aurobindo’s Action.
On 24th April 1972 there was a message from Mother :
India shall take her true place in the world only when she will become integrally the messenger of the Divine Life.
Sometime in 1972 it was being said in the Mother’s name that as the crisis of which she spoke in June 1970 was over, Sri Aurobindo’s Action will stop in August 1972. On 2 May 1972 Mother wrote:
I never said to anybody nor wrote and never thought that
Sri Aurobindo’s Action will stop in August 1972.

Let Sri Aurobindo’s Action continue its useful work in the
with my blessings
It is more than 30 years since Mother left Her body. ‘Sri Aurobindo’s Action’ has weathered many a storm during this period, as so many others connected with the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have. In course of time most of the old guard is gone. At present the work is being carried on by the Management Team of Sri Aurobindo’s Action at Pondicherry. The Team consists of Kittu Reddy - Secretary, Manju Bonke - Treasurer and Chandresh Patel - Manager.
West Bengal Chapter of Sri Aurobindo’s Action started in 2006 which is incidentally Centenary year of Sri Aurobindo’s shifting from Baroda to Bengal. It is significant that their office is located in the building which was once the residence of Sri Aurobindo when he was the Principal of the National College, Calcutta.
With prayers for the opening up of India and the world to Sri Aurobindo’s Action and to a new Chapter in the life of all concerned.
Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala
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